
Your Hoodie backend can be configured using default options that are part of your repository as well as using hidden files, CLI arguments and environment variables.


Here is a list of all available options

Option Default value CLI argument ENV variable description
address '' --address hoodie_address | Address to which Hoodie binds
data '.hoodie' --data hoodie_data | Data path
dbUrl --dbUrl hoodie_dbUrl | If provided, uses external CouchDB. URL has to contain credentials. Sets dbAdapter to pouchdb-adapter-http
dbAdapter 'pouchdb-adapter-fs' --dbAdapter hoodie_dbAdapter | Sets default PouchDB adapter <> unless inMemory or dbUrl set
loglevel 'warn' --loglevel hoodie_loglevel | One of: silent, error, warn, http, info, verbose, silly
inMemory false -m, --inMemory hoodie_inMemory | Whether to start the PouchDB Server in memory. Sets dbAdapter to pouchdb-adapter-memory
port 8080 --port hoodie_port | Port-number to run the Hoodie App on
public 'public' --public hoodie_public | path to static assets
--url hoodie_url | Optional: external URL at which Hoodie Server is accessible (e.g.
--adminPassword hoodie_adminPassword Password to login to Admin Dashboard. Login is not possible unless set


Default options are set in your app’s package.json file, using the "hoodie" key. Here is an example with all avaialble options and their default values

  "hoodie": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 8080,
    "data": ".hoodie",
    "public": "public",
    "dbUrl": "",
    "dbAdapter": "pouchdb-adapter-fs",
    "inMemory": false,
    "loglevel": "warn",
    "url": "",
    "adminPassword": ""


The .hoodierc can be used to set configuration when running your Hoodie backend in that folder. It should not be comitted to your repository.

The content can be in JSON or INI format. See the rc package on npm for more information

CLI arguments and environment variables

To pass CLI options when starting Hoodie, you have to separate them with --, for example:

$ npm start -- --port=8090 --inMemory

All environment varibales are prefixed with hoodie_. So to set the port to 8090 and to start Hoodie in memory mode, you have to

  • set the hoodie_port environment variable to 8090
  • set the hoodie_inMemory environment variable to true

Hoodie CLI is using rc for configuration, so the same options can be set with environment variables and config files. Environment variables are prefixed with hoodie_.

The priority of configuration

  1. command line arguments
  2. Environment variables
  3. .hoodierc files
  4. Your app’s defaults form the "hoodie" key in "package.json"
  5. Hoodie’s default values as shown in table above